Stronger mistletoe (Viscum) for Complementary Cancer Care

For several months now we have introduced the abnobaViscum mistletoe at the Paulina Medical Clinic. It is a stronger mistletoe extract that has a solid reputation for effectiveness. For decades we have considered the mistletoe to be an integral part of the cancer care we offer at our clinic but with this mistletoe we are happy to report a further advancement.

Here are some of the noteworthy characteristics of the abnobaViscum (mistletoe) that differentiate it from the other mistletoe extracts.

Lectins and Viscotoxins

First some findings about the most active ingredients of the mistletoe. These are the lectins and viscotoxins components. Mistletoe Lectins stimulate our T Cells and NK cells and inhibit ribosomal subunit in cancer cells causing apoptosis. Viscotoxins cause cancer cell necrosis and synergize with chemotherapy.


There are several commercially available and highly studied mistletoe extracts. Among them abnobaViscum has the highest levels of mistletoe lectins and viscotoxins.
Due to the patented production of the pressed juice, 75% of the plant material used is dissolved into the pressed juice. As a result, reproducibly high concentrations of mistletoe lectins and viscotoxins are achieved in the extract. Both ingredient groups are extracted equally well.
AbnobaViscum is very well tolerated despite its high active ingredient content compared to other mistletoe preparations.

Uniquely for the abnobaViscum active lectins were found in the patients’ plasma after subcutaneous injection.. This raises of course the likelihood of the expected beneficial cancer cell killing and other positive therapeutic effects.

Due to its careful patented extraction the mistletoe extract is protected from oxidation which further enhances its pharmacological action. The manufacturing process involving liposomal formulations enhances its tolerability (meaning higher effective dosage can be administered).

In experimental studies no or minor potential for herb-drug interactions by interference with cytochromes P450 was found by abnobaViscum mistletoe.

Abnoba mistletoe has been found to significantly increase life span, quality of life and tolerability of conventional therapies like radiation, chemotherapy or immunotherapy.

Although this is not the focus of this blog it should be mentioned that mistletoe extracts in general, and when extracted in the so called “anthroposophical fashion” have been shown among other to


Detail of an electron microscopic image of liposomes in abnobaVISCUM.

Our ability to help patients at the Paulina Medical Clinic has unquestionably been helped by the administration of the abnobaViscum in a multitude of cancer types.

Additional information can be found on the following websites: 

To your health,

R. Rentea MD